A Wednesday


"Hope is a Good thing..May b da best of things..n no good thing ever dies"

I woke up quite early 2day,widout an alarm or Narender or Mani or Pullu's help...After a long time,I was optimistic about da day ahead of me...no depressing vivas n no xams to appear for,atleast till dis weekend...Free 4m da pressure of attendance,n 4m da fear of wakin up late..I can now lay back munching on ma fav Bingo,digging thru my favourite mags n listening 2 ma fav music...I can take as many snapshots as i want of da things around me widout really being bothered about da time...Yea,it is dat time of da sem i was waiting 4 so eagerly,da preparation week!!...Wid a smile on ma face i hopped 2wards da bathroom 2 freshen up,little did I know dat da Big Boss has woken up too...After a quick shower I was ready 2 hit da day...Dancing my way down da stairs n pulling at others' legs on my way I go 2 da mess 2 hav my breakfast...Tikia chat z really gud,a sip of tea n its 8 already...1 hr at hand b4 da library opens...Da IPL fever has gripped da campus...Fortunately I'm not much bothered abt it...Flipping thru da TV channels I realized dat currently,only 2 things r HOT in dis country...1)Politics n 2)IPL...But somewhere at da corner of my head something was ringing,telling me dat there is something else which I have conveniently ignored...something which is more important an issue 2 me than da elections or IPL...wat z it??!!....aaarrggh,wat z it??!!...Walking out of da common room, pondering over this thought...as i step out a wave of hot air brushes past me...OMFG!! Now I know wat has been bothering me all da while..Its da boss,Da Deadly Summer Sun...All da horrible episodes of da previous day r now dancing before my eyes..Da scorching heat,my never ending thirst,my fav shirt wet wid  my sweat,my fast melting icecream,my baking hot room,my burning skin n da mirages on ma way to da lab...Meekly I look at da Sun...There was da boss,up in da sky,greeting me wid a wicked smile on his face...His eyes show it all,brutal intentions of him creating yet another day of havoc n dat da game has jus started aur picture abhi baaki hai...Closing my eyes I sincerely prayed 2 someone called GOD dat "Chaahe Jo Bhi Ho,Aaj Baarish Ho Jaaye,Khoob Jam ke ho jaaye"...Now its up 2 da Uparwala n I move on and go ahead wid my day...Slinging a bag onto my back Im off 2 da library wid 2 of my buddies 2 make something out of da time available wid me...Da atmosphere over there is something different...its jam packed 2day,quite contrary 2 da usual sight of empty chairs n tables...Even da Journal section is full,WTF!!!...yea,u hrd it right,DA JOURNAL SECTION Z FULL!!...n da hottest couple of ISM was sittin there,outside da journal section...I reached SRB,luckily,a few seats were empty over there..But as luck wud hav it,Both da ACs r not working!!...Something within me told 'DUDE,this is ISM'...Being an ISMite it wasnt dat difficult 4 me 2 digest da fact..Pulling a seat 4 myself i made myselves comfortable..I was goin thru 'Signals n Systems',a subject which i last touched only before da mid semester..Dis book was written by another author,dont remb da name but of Wiley publications..Da preface was gud n da author sounded optimistic..LOL..jottin down a point or two in ma book n making plans abt how much time 2 devote 4 each chapter n stuff i got started..I started all over,right 4m da scrap...Da introductory chapter was really gud...Now i have a better idea abt signals,systems n the fields where they r applied.I inserted a new entry into my list of a thousand dreams...Da latest one is dat 'I 'll work 4 ISRO or NASA one day'...Da book was so good dat i was able 2 sit 4 some 3 to 4 hours on it,a record in ma recent past!!..hehe...soon it was time 4 lunch,it is 1 in da afternoon now...Gotta walk back 2 da hostel in da hot sun,Holy shit!!...All of a sudden there was a loud thunder n all lights turned off...I was in a state of Shock or Surprise or Bewilderment,wateva u call it...someone at da window yelled,'It is Raining outsiiiide'...Wat??!!...'IT   IS   RAINING!!'...wow,dis z gr8 news...I  left ma books in da lib n hit da road wid ma fren...We were greeted by da smell of wet ground which i love like anything...It was really cool out there...Jumping in da cool showers i 4got 4 a few moments everything around me n was jus njoying those 'Zindagi ke Boond'...I was almost drenched in da rain n had 2 take shelter at Penmann's cos unfortunately my mobile as well as Indian Currency are NOT WATERPROOF!!...But still njoyyed da cool breeze n timely gushes of wind moistened by da heavy rain...Every one was running 4 cover...Trees were swaying wid happYness...Small rivulets were flowing in all directions...Flowers were smiling brightly...Puddles were filled..Da grass looked Lively Green...Juniors were yelling at da top of their voices...I could see Penmann smiling(his statue ofcourse),he z also enjoying da rain...There was joy in da air...Dis z a moment which i'll never b able to forget...WHOAAA I'M LOVIN IT!!..Dis z simply superb!!..One of  my vry good friends was wid me...V both were silent,njoying da cool shower n lost in our own thoughts...I was thinking dat it wud hav been even greater a moment had She been here,wid her hand in mine...Im sure he was also thinking da same abt his girl...Da Thunders only reminded me of wat someone has once said ...ki  'WOH JAB BHI DETA HAI,DETA CHAPPAR FAADKE'...


santosh said…
nuvu keka, super, masth n wat not....
narration super.... blog inka super....
BONDbandar said…
thnx a lot ra..im glad u liked it..

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